uploads/hold up.jpg

hold up 1.(交通)堵塞。2.攔劫,搶劫。3.〔口語〕要高價,敲...


I asked , “ is it because it holds up your head ? 我問: “是因為它能支撐腦袋嗎? ”

We were held up for 5 minutes in a traffic jam 在交通阻塞中我們被耽擱了五分鐘。

Don ' t held up , i will turn it to “ conferance model “ 別掛,我切到“會議模式“

As the saying goes , women can hold up half the sky 俗話說得好,婦女能頂半邊天。

I asked , “ is it because it holds up my head 我問: “是因為它支撐著我的頭嗎? ”

This is the cottage where the bandits once held up 這就是土匪曾經藏過身的地方。

Hold up , rocky . back up . i got something for you 站穩了洛奇后退我有東西給你

John held up his hand to ask the teacher a question 約翰舉手問了老師一個問題。

And the two officials who were following him took great trouble to pretend to hold up higher the train of the robe that was n't there at all . 那兩個跟在他后面的官員不辭辛苦地裝著把根本不存在的長袍拖裙托得更高。

Export restriction will raise prices briefly but hold up an umbrella under which foreign competitors can gain a foothold . 出口限制將使價格暫時提高,但卻為外國競爭者站穩腳根提供了保護傘。

Oh, they will buy your papers-to hold up at breakfast or to line the trash can or to light a fire . 啊,他們還會買你們的報紙--用來在早餐時拿在手里,或用來墊襯垃圾桶或引火。

Indeed, the roman world is falling; yet we still hold up our heads instead of bowing them . 羅馬人的天下的確在土崩瓦解,然而我們不但不垂頭喪氣,卻依然趾高氣揚。

He had held up his big hands which were trembling under the influence of her eager enthusiasm . 他舉起兩只粗大的手,這兩只手受了她懇切的熱誠的影響在發抖。

One night bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store . 一天夜里,巴福爾黑德在值勤時無意中碰上一起搶劫雜貨店事件。

The kirchhoff theory has held up remarkably well under this kind of scrutiny . 這種詳盡的研究也對基爾霍夫理論提供了很好的支持。

If he did nothing else by its aid he at least held up his head . 即使他沒有做其它任何事情,憑借了它的幫助,至少他不會垂頭喪氣。

“what's this?“ said miss ophelia, holding up the saucer of pomade . “這是什么?”奧菲麗亞小姐拿起一只裝著生發油的盤子來問道。

I shook my head and held up a finger indicating that i was willing to pay a pound . 我搖搖頭,伸出一個指頭表示我愿付一英鎊。

He held up the crystal and looked through it at the sun's reflections . 他拿起了晶體,通過它來觀察反射來的陽光。